Introduction: Midterm


               For this website, there are four major cateogories. They are blogs done on my own blog website, in class writings done on the scholar website, essay one which is the iresearcher essay, and essay two which is on the observations.

             The in class writings section includes two in class writings of my choice. The first one I chose was our very first in class writing. I thought it was a good way to start off the website where we started off in the beginning. Also, it gives somewhat of a little look into me. The second piece I chose was the reflection of the reading for 2/22. Although I did not read the correct material, I think this writing shows how we can apply everything in some way to the work that we are doing.

                The blog section includes two blogs of my choice. I chose the twenty minute observation blog entry because I feel like I did a lot of good descriptions on it. Also, it was good practice for what was about to come and I think it flowed better with the fact that the one of the parts of this website that has an essay that is about observations like the ones done for this blog. The other blog I chose was one on my reflections on the reading about keeping a notebook. I thought my judgments were fairly good and due to the limited amount of blogs available it was the best choice.

              Now we come to the essays. I had begun this project with it going a different way, but with some help, I changed my project to something more meaningful. This project involves more of me then I have shared with a lot of people.

             The first essay was probably hardest for me to write. It involves my brother, who is someone that I have barely talked about with anyone here at tech unless you count a phone call with my family. I changed most of this essay only keeping about one paragraph of it.

         The second essay was a little better to write because it did not contain that much of my brother. It still was majorly changed and taken in a different direction.

        I have noticed that I write the way I talk which is something that I need to work on because that can mess up my flow at times. Hopefully it does not seem that off and in writing assignments to come I can work at this.