In-class Writings
In this section, there are writings that were done on questions asked in class and readings done the night before.



1.Do you read? What?
Yes, I like to read a lot. I don't really stay in one genre. I just read something that catches my attention.
2.Do you like to write? What? Why or why not? I do not like to write very much. When I write, its hard for me to think of things to write about.
3.Best reading or writing memory? My best reading memory recently would be finding and reading the trilogy of City of Bones. My dad and I read the books at about the same time so it was cool to talk about them together.
 4.Worst reading or writing memory? My worst reading memory was having to read the Kite Runner. I just couldn't get into it, and the story was completely depressing.
5.1 goal for this class. One goal I have for this class is to get an A.

 In class 2/22


Apparently, I messed up and read the reading for the other book and not the comptvt. One thing i learned from this writing was that it is hard for people to separate what they have learned to what they have been taught. This is a long shot and only a short statement in the reading but I think this can be carried over to essay 2. I think that you can learn from these sites, but you cannot let what you already know cloud what you are learning at the time. In the context of the reading this is not what is meant, but to me, I feel that in the way I preceive it that this would help.